8 Reasons a Charging Station will Change your Life

8 Reasons a Charging Station will Change your Life

 A charging station may sound like a utilitarian power strip and it's so much more! We've spent over a decade designing, trying and refining charging stations. We've included feedback from customers, user, and our mothers to make the most intuitive and helpful station for everyday use. Read further to see how it affects your ergonomics, daily routine, work area and home life.

A floorplan showing power outlets in each room connecting to various devices compared to a singular charging station.

1- Keeps all your chargers & devices in one place, no need to hunt which room you left your phone charger (or phone!) Its inevitable that you'll battery charge at any given time in any given place. So having a designated charging center keeps all your adapters together.


I designed this after being frustrated that my parents had a different charger in every power outlet.. in random places where there wasn't even a table, so the phone was left dangling from the wall?! 

Inside of Charging base shows 5 elastic bands each holding a charging cord in place.

2- Organizes cords in an enclosed box, Easy to grab just one cord when going on vacation. Elastic bands hold each cord in place. (Shown: Multi Charing station)


Why this feature was important to us: Our boss is an avid traveller- and untangling cords while running to a flight was a pain point for him. We did lots of user testing. I recommend twist tying the coiled cords within the base tray, so when removed they still aren't a mess.

Rabbit chewing on phone charger cord compared to a bamboo box with power strip hidden inside

3- Protects excess cord from tempting pets who like to chew, or from getting tangled around your feet! Ever remember being in computer lab and someone kicking the power strip and the whole line of computers would turn off? We've evolved from that. Pro tip: use twist ties or velcro cord wraps ($13 for 3) to bundle up excess cords. See our adapter wrap here. ($10)


Smart phone with dead battery in hand while being outdoors

4- Avoid this nightmare: The dead battery. Don't find yourself lost in a foreign city, IKEA, or separated from your spouse/child without a way to call your lifeline! And yes, I have experienced all of the above. 

Would you rather crawl under a desk to plug computer in, or have a desktop plug?

5- Save your back from bending down to plug in stuff behind bookcases and whatnot. I pulled out my back bending over and was on bedrest for 2 weeks. Ergonomics are important- so get a nice looking Power Hub for your desktop work surface so power is just within an arm's reach- not a crawl away.

PRO tip: Travel with a power strip. Airport, railway stations, hotels rooms often don't have enough outlets- or if they do they are spread out and adapters are easily forgotten. For our family of 4, we have 6 devices. How many do you have?

Walnut wood charging station resting on carpet in living room next to designer recliner where man uses phone while it charges

6- Modernizes your space: Bring warmth into your space with wood grain, or  simplify it with a glossy white. Guests know where they can plug their devices in without unplugging some other appliance. We offer Bamboo, Cherry wood, Walnut, black leatherette, white leatherette, white gloss, chevron, camo..... YOu can also have it monogrammed.

Laptop phone tablets spread on table versus all device organized uprightin Portable charging station by Great Useful Stuff.com

7- Maximizes space by storing devices upright. Desk, counter, or breakfast nook! Time for dinner, load all the devices in the Portable charging station and place off to the side. 

8- Eases Anxiety by having all cords out of sight!

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